Here I go with the "laundry list" again! :)
Well, yesterday afternoon I recieved a call from one of the prenatal coordinators for my county. She called to offer me a spot in a prenatal nutrition class and at the end of it I'll be given a FREE CARSEAT! Heck yes I'll join in!!! Haha.
So, this morning was class #1. I convinced Steven that he needed to at least come with me to the first he did, got overly embarrassed I'm sure because he was the only guy there...but it was cool! I'm also in the class with a gal I talk to through, a weight loss support website, and so I was able to meet her for the first time! That was exciting...not to mention it gets Steven off the hook for coming to the rest of the classes because I won't be all "alone". :)
We talked about our sugar, salt, and fat intake during this class. It was honestly a little depressing because everything I tend to eat is overly processed and well, looks like we need to re-evaluate our whole kitchen!!! But that's okay, no time like the present!
Tonight, I'm heading over to Loveland to pick up myself a wonderful camera!!! I'm so excited about this...granted its costing me a pretty decent chunk of my tax refund... But anywho, it's a
Canon EOS Rebel Xsi. Welcome Kendra to the world of Digital SLR photography!!! YES!!! :)
The only real kicker to this whole deal is that they've discontinued it so I'm buying the display one at 10% off (thanks more money in my pocket!) and they can't seem to find the USB cord to connect it to a computer. Now, I suppose I should be a little turned off by that but my computer at my parents has a SD card reader built into the, no biggie! But I do have a game plan to try and make the price a bit cheaper because if I plan to replace that missing cord, it'll cost me $50 from the Canon website! Ahem, I would like that money to be available! So, we'll just have to see how this goes...
I really am wanting to have this camera completely figured out by the time our little Miss Marlee gets here so that I can have AWESOME pictures of her from Day 1!!! :) **insert giddy photographer laugh**