Monday, February 22, 2010


I don't know what to do when I'm sitting here at work with tears welling up in my eyes...

Sitting at home is the man I love more than words can express and he's in pain...

He's grieving a dear friend and I'm not there to hold him. To be his rock when he's crumbling...

Shoot...I can't help but cry now...

I hope he knows how much I love him and what he means to me!

Oi...icing on the already wet with tears cake...he just texted saying, "I love you and Marlee very much"...**insert tearing heart and streams of tears!**


Apryl said...

Aw muffin, I'm hugging you from Boston

Computergirl said...

I'm going through a very similar thing at the moment- sometimes words just arent enough. Hope the pain becomes less raw very quickly. x

Warm Autumn Wishes said...

Some alone time may be good for him, even though everyone is hurting, it will get better. Hugs!