Monday, February 15, 2010

Where have all the friends gone?

I must admit I'm super, duper, extensively lonely these days. Most of my good friends from growing up have moved to fabulous new places and vacated this crazy area of Northern Colorado. While I don't blame them one bit, I seriously miss them...

I was never seeking to replace the people in my life but over the past year and a half I've kind of lost the good friends I once had and bonded with some people that we'll just call..."bar flies". Call it freedom, call it release of tension, call it whatever, but I was on a binge...a binge from all things logical in my life. Know what this scored me!? A beautiful, stressful DUI, a handful of people that I guess I call "friends" but really are just the people I talk to at the bar, and Steven. Granted, Steven is amazing and I wouldn't trade him for the world, but the other two are just downers without a doubt...

I can't say that I regret meeting the people I have. A few of them are honestly quality folks but the rest are, well, "bar flies"...

Now, as to where this all plays in my life right now is the fact that I'm pregnant and can't drink and can hardly socialize with said people. Making my life consist of...well...Steven. Not a bad thing, really...but he doesn't like shopping, eating ice cream, watching girly movies, nor getting where does that leave me!?

I could really use a ME DAY....a vacation from my real world that I tend to loathe anymore...

What would a ME DAY consist of? pending....a pedicure, then a stroll around some shops doing some window shopping, heading to the bookstore to browse for an hour or so, then watching a terribly girly movie or getting some ice cream. Simple, feasible, right?? HA, I wish...the fact that I don't have a license pretty much restricts me to whatever Steven and I can do together..unless he wants to just drop me off somewhere, but that doesn't seem too glamorous now does it!?

So, I'm at a loss...and am stuck asking myself, "Where have all the friends gone?"


Jackie said...

That sounds like a wonderful day! I've done a bit of the shopping by myself (Mike had to force me which is a whole other story) but it's not as much fun! I need some good girl friends. I work with some pretty awesome girls now, so I just need to make the move to hang out outside of work too! But my life is pretty much Mike as yours is Steven.

Kendra said...

Ah the things we do for LOVE!