Friday, February 5, 2010


I'm in love with this belly picture! Definitely not mine...but it would be amazing if I could get one like this!!! It's off of from user name: loveangelina


So last night we were given yet another glimmer of hope. I'm just wishing that this one would please go through successfully. I'm tired of being kicked in the gut every time we think something is going to work! Steven received a call from a good friend of ours that works in the local school district (well, Greeley's at least) and said they have an opening for campus security at one of the high schools (Greeley West). The guy who runs the program asked our friend specifically if he knew of anyone and he immediately spoke Steven's name. Now, I'm just hoping this happens...a full time weekends...eventually we'll get out of our hole we're in...and Steven will have himself back.

Do you ever notice how badly a person falls apart when they don't work??? Granted, there are those who choose not to work, but for those of us who are self-proclaimed work-a-holics..there's nothing worse than being unemployed! I feel like I'm no longer with the man I love. Yes, he's there, but only in the physical sense. It's like he has no drive to better his life anymore..nothing promoting the happiness he should be feeling...and there's only so much that I can do to help.

My hours get shorter at work every day because we aren't selling the same amount of soda that we used to. Not to mention, they're very close to implamenting this beverage tax that will make our prices go higher and ultimately drop even more sales - GRAND! Now what is our tiny, insignificant Greeley Coca-Cola supposed to do!? We're here mainly because it would be insane to drive from Denver to northeastern Colorado like we do...but how long are they going to consider that as an inconvience??? How long before we're all out of work here???

I just don't know what to do anymore. I hate that our happiness revolves around monetary situations so much. I don't want that. I want to be able to realize that we're together and expecting a gift...a miracle...and that should be the best thing in the world. But somehow, it's just not enough most days...

Ah, the rantings of the stressed and pessimistic...

I'm going to embark on eating something right now...for some reason my glorious stomach is attempting to crawl up my throat at this point in time and just burning the hell out of me. I really just want to lose my cookies and get it over with!!! But alas, I have that strong gag reflex that won't let that happen...

Have a happy weekend!

1 comment:

Apryl said...

I will cross my fingers for you!

And Dylan used to have his buttcheeks firmly pressed against by stomach. You could see his little booty flip flop from side to side as he shifted.

It was so bizarre.