Thursday, February 11, 2010


So, not gonna lie, I'm kind of weirded out by breastfeeding. Like, I know how beneficial and super wonderful it'll be...but right now, it just sort of bugs me.

Not to the extent that I'm off-put by the whole idea and that I'm not going to do it, cause I DEFINITELY long as I can! It's just...I don't know...odd....looks odd...seems like it'd feel odd...can't hardly picture myself doing it...

Okay, I think I'm just crazy!

I had a breastfeeding class yesterday for WIC and learned a few tidbits I didn't know about the whole process. At first, I had an uncomfortable knot in my stomach when the video started and there were all kinds of boobies in front of us with little babies being pushed toward them...but the more they talked about it and showed different perspectives, the more I got comfortable...

I don't know..again, I think I'm just crazy...


Jackie said...

I'd be excited I think! Man, free baby food, do it as long as you can! (just not 4 years.. ew)e

Apryl said...

I breastfed Dylan until he was 13 months (thats when full ween was)

I was also a BF Counselor for WIC, and used to teach those classes ;-)

You will feel more at ease than you think doing it.

And Jackie is right, it's freaking free!!

Kendra said...

Yeah, I think I'll probably stop around the 1 year mark...cause at that point to me it seems like they're too old...