Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Drunken times with Cattle Haulers

Look at that title....only in Colorado is that really going to happen!!!! haha

Sarah is bartending at this new bar in I went down there to chill!!! Well, ended up making friends with 3 cattle haulers while there!!! Awesome time!!!

I dont even know really where to start...except one was pretty much the coolest!!! Which is kind of horrible to say...cause well...I guess it's not much as odd...but yeah, he is 37 years old...a bit old for me..hmmmm...

But anywho..this "older" guy...sat and talked to me forever...and actually spent almost an hour on the phone with Miles talk to him about trucks...which sort of killed my moment with both of them... :\ oh well.. I'm home now...about to pass out..and can't really type so well...I'm learning that the backspace button is my best friend!!! :)

Soooooooo g'night!!! :)

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