Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Do you ever get those moments when everything just stops in your racing brain and you realize what's really going on around you?!?!

Today has been one of those days...

  • I have a friend struggling with her family life and I can't shed enough advice to her to make her feel better....
  • My "mother-in-law" is stressing out majorly and taking it out on Steven for no reason...making his life pretty much a living hell...
  • My entire dad's side of the family has had ONE reaction to me being pregnant...and that is "oh my..."
  • I'm starving...and not in the "shoot-I-forgot-to-eat-breakfast" way, but in the fact that we have zero money to really buy good food and are living off potatoes...
I'm not really sure what to do...

Pretty lost in my thoughts today...

1 comment:

Paulina said...

don't worry... when things can't get worse they can only get better...
you just have to wait..