Friday, November 12, 2010

Someone kick her out of my head!

Have you ever been so comfortable in your own skin that it's dangerous?!

Yes, it's good to be confident at any size...

But my confidence is turning into laziness!!! Ugh...

I've been stuck in the 188-191 range for about a month now! I can't handle it anymore! At least if I was at like 180 and stuck, I could say I've lost all my pregnancy weight..but nope. I'm an awful point...and I just want past it!

The key to getting past it...working out! Enter Queen-of-all-excuses! Yep, she's sitting her content, fat butt in my head and not letting me move. I'm so disappointed in myself...

I have 2 weeks to bet at 184...I want to reach my mini goals so bad...

Someone help me kick her out of my head!

1 comment:

Ruby said...

I still fight "her" daily, especially as colder weather is here, bed always feels better. But being healthier feels even better and so that is what I keep telling myself. I get out do my walk working on at least 6 days a week...once you begin to exercise it can become something you can crave!