Thursday, January 21, 2010

Whoa...Motivation has slapped me in the face!!

OMG...I mean, seriously OH MY GOODNESS...I have this crazy amount of motivation brewing inside of me that I can't hardly stand it!!! Motivation for what, you ask! For EXERCISE...

Sick, I know...I must have bumped my head HARD lately...but no, really, I want to get down to the nitty-gritty...sweat my ass off...feel like I'm going to die...all for the sake of losing a few calories! Holy cow...

Funny thing...I'm chowing down a BIG piece of homemade German Chocolate cake my mom made for my birthday!!! Can we say hypocrite?! your tongue..I'm pregnant..I can do what I want! light of all this craziness I'm going to talk about my...ahem..."plan" for this summer!

Well, if all goes right with this pregnancy, I should only be weighing in at about 195lbs when I give birth...I plan to lets go with the idea that all my pregnancy weight will go away with that and I'll have a starting weight of 180 come June/July sometime...


SW: 180, GOAL: 140
I graduated high school weighing in at 145 and figure that if at one point in my life I was that size, then I can certainly be there again!! Essentially, it's a first goal..we'll see once I'm there what I can do after that...

As far as what I'll be doing...I have no idea...I do have a plethora of DVD's and VHS laying around my house that are lovely for collecting dust but really just looming over my head right now! I'll probably try to kick it off with some running/jogging so I don't kill myself with this boost...then I would really like to incorporate my "30 Day Shred" and "Envy Girls" DVD's to my daily routine.

Now I must mention, that I TOTALLY suck at keeping motivation if I take days this will have to be a 7-day a week thing for me...

Of course, the food thing will be pretty easy. At one point, when I was married, I lost 20lbs just watching what I ate...I think I can do that again without worry! Just have to train my mind again!

So, alas, there's some tenative thoughts on what my summer will bring! I'm that okay!?


Jackie said...

That's awesome! I need to get back into doing my videos. I have a great one that's actually pretty relaxing while working your butt off (It's a yoga/pilates vid) I think I need to just cancel my gym membership b/c I don't go enough and even if I did it's a lot of money to spend now that I don't make as much. But alas, I will miss the elliptical machine. Maybe I should just invest in my own :P I know I'd use it a ton.

Unknown said...

You could start light with walking while you're still pregnant then it won't be as much of a shock afterwards. Believe me, you will be tired. I tried going for a walk about a week after giving birth and thought I was going to die. EVERYTHING 'down there' hurt. So don't rush yourself. You also might lose more weight than you realize. Somehow after I gave birth I lost all of the weight I had gained plus 15 lbs within 2 weeks. But I also couldn't breast feed. So I don't know if that makes a difference or not. But it's great to feel that motivation. To be energized.

This Little Girl Dreams... said...

Keep up the good work! I also got hit with the work out bug and its good b/c i gained like 2 lbs over xmas break from all the good food lol!

Apryl said...

I had this Yoga Mama DVD and I had all these aspirations to do exactly that while pregant.

My pregnancy and lack of, let's say balance while 987lbs had different plans.

But more power to you my love. You have the youth and vigor to do it.