Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It's refreshing to down 50oz of water while I'm at work...

It's refreshing to start my day with oatmeal, peanut butter, eggs, and a banana...

It's refreshing to have Steven text back "Hello babe!" when I've simply sent "Hi"...

It's refreshing to see the sun sparkling off the fresh snow on a cold Colorado winter day...

It's refreshing to blog again...seriously...

This is all today! I can't believe how good it feels to be in the right place and right state of mind for the first time in a couple of weeks at least. I'm happy today. And that's BIG!

Marlee is struggling with a fever that we think is from her teething. I feel really bad for her but I'm secretly enjoying the extra snuggles because she just wants to cling to us. I just want that darn tooth to pop through so we can go back to playing "stand-up" and teaching her the wonders of moving!

I wanted to change my banner today. I wanted to add photos to this post. But alas, I've forgotten my memory card! Figures! I hope to remember tomorrow because I have a mess of very cute photos from the past few days! Marlee really loves the camera. I think the love is mutual!

1 comment:

Ruby said...

So glad you are feeling good day at a time!!