Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Good/Bad Rollercoaster! AHHHH!

I'm so tired of this good day then bad day rollercoaster...

On a good day, I love thinking about Marlee and me carving the world out together! About me being the BEST role model she'll ever have because I'm strong and confident and giving her everything she wants and needs.

On a bad day, I want her to have essentially the "American dream". I want her to have her mom and her dad under one roof and happy together. I cry wanting this so bad...

I can't keep doing this rollercoaster. I need to really get the good days to take over and if things do work out in the "American dream" favor, then wonderful! If they don't, then that's okay too because I'm happy being a single mom!

I just want to get a handle on life as it is. It's going to be hard. It's going to be the worst time ever in my life, but at the same time I should be able to grow from this. Be the STRONGEST, HAPPIEST, HEALTHIEST version of me that I've ever known.

*sigh* I wish I thought like this all the time...

1 comment:

lollie5 said...

You're doing great! There will be good days and bad days but just try and stay positive the best you can. Marlee is going to turn out amazing no matter if she has the "American Dream" or if it's just you. You're an amazing mother and want nothing but the best for her and I have no doubt that's why you'll give her.