Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Falling together...

It seems as though everything kind of has its place right now. I wake in the morning next to Steven, get ready for the day (as does he), generally run him into town with me and take him to Eric's where he's semi-productive on his job searching, go to work, then get off work and pick up Steven and head home. Seems like a slight bit of a life...not sure though!

I'm surprised at how comfortable I am with Steven in the house. Things really aren't too cramped...although, it helps that even before he always stayed with me...so now it's just a few extra hours that we're together as well! I just wish he could find a job... :(

Aside from all that, I have found that most of my friends around here are drama-stricken 24/7!!! It's crazy!! Therefore, Steven and I are going to probably take a sabbatical from them. Just some time together...get our lives situated even more and really find OUR center instead of continually helping others from spiraling out of control! We'll see...

I miss my friends :( The ones from HS and college that have all just MOVED AWAY! Maybe it's my turn to move away...

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