What made you choose your blog/Twitter/YouTube username?I'm not sure I really know who I am in particular. But that's not a bad thing. I enjoy learning far too much to just be one way...I want to grow and learn throughout my entire life!
What's your actual name?Kendra Ann Payne
Do you have any nicknames?Kenny, Kender, Payne, Boob (good ole Steven), Babe
Apart from the obvious make up / beauty hobby, what other hobbies do you have?I love to watch movies and read books. I enjoy spending quality time just relaxing outside...taking walks...reading outdoors...camping...etc.
What do you do?I'm the Route Process Admin/Cashier for Coca-Cola here in Greeley, Colorado. It's an easy job with a big title...and I love it! :)
What would you like to do?Ideally, I'd like to eventually work in counseling somehow..somewhere. I'll more than likely end up going back to school for such a thing...but that's okay. I'd also love to publish a book...
Tell us something embarrassing, but that you love doing?Not gonna lie, I like to pick my nose! haha :) I never do it in public..and I always get the gunk into the garbage! :) I've never really been able to blow my nose...its just a skill that I never mastered growing up...so I've always been a picker...with the finger...with a tissue..it doesn't matter...just works better for me! :)
Tell us a little something that we don't already know about youI've always been told that my eyes look exactly like my grandpa's. He died a week before I was born...so I like to imagine that I was given them from him and that makes me cherish the things I see so much more!
What achievement are you most proud of?Being able to study abroad in Ireland and travel to Paris and Rome. Its just something that a girl from my small town wouldn't really imagine doing at any point in her life.
What do you most like about yourself? I like that I'm generally easy going. I'm good with hanging out with the girls and I'm definitely one of the guys too...I'm not afraid to say it how it is...but at the same time I can be supportive to people when they need it.
What would you change about yourself if you could?I'm in the process of bettering my physical health. I don't necessarily want to be thinner...I just want to be healthier...if that stems into a lower weight..then wonderful..if not, then it's okay! :)
If you could have anything in the world (that doesn't cost any money), what would you want?Children
Now I tag anyone who reads this to do the same survey! :)